Author Affiliations
1 Research Center for Humanoid Sensing, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou 311100, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Friction plays a critical role in dexterous robotic manipulation. However, realizing friction sensing remains a challenge due to the difficulty in designing sensing structures to decouple multi-axial forces. Inspired by the topological mechanics of knots, we construct optical fiber knot (OFN) sensors for slip detection and friction measurement. By introducing localized self-contacts along the fiber, the knot structure enables anisotropic responses to normal and frictional forces. By employing OFNs and a change point detection algorithm, we demonstrate adaptive robotic grasping of slipping cups. We further develop a robotic finger that can measure tri-axial forces via a centrosymmetric architecture composed of five OFNs. Such a tactile finger allows a robotic hand to manipulate human tools dexterously. This work could provide a straightforward and cost-effective strategy for promoting adaptive grasping, dexterous manipulation, and human-robot interaction with tactile sensing.
robotic perception adaptive grasping slip detection force decoupling polymer optical fiber 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2023, 6(10): 230076
合肥工业大学 微电子学院, 合肥 230601
基于FPGA的可重构性,提出了一种基于数字电路的二值忆阻器仿真器。与模拟电路忆阻器仿真器相比,所提出基于数字电路的忆阻器仿真器易于重新配置,与它所基于的数学模型表现出很好的匹配性,符合忆阻器仿真器所有要求的特点。实现了基于该仿真器的与门、或门、加法器及三人表决器。使用Altera Quartus II和ModelSim工具对仿真器功能和基于该仿真器实现的逻辑电路进行验证。给出所有设计电路的原理图、仿真结果和FPGA资源消耗。仿真结果表明,该二值忆阻器仿真器相比其他数字电路忆阻器仿真器具有更少的硬件资源消耗,更适合用于大规模忆阻器阵列研究。
忆阻器 数字电路仿真器 与门 或门 加法器 三人表决器 memristor digital circuit simulator and-gate or-gate adder three-person voter 
2023, 53(1): 75
合肥工业大学 微电子学院, 合肥 230601
能量收集 DC-DC转换器 太阳能 热能 energy harvesting DC-DC converter solar energy thermal energy 
2022, 52(5): 722
Ni Yao 1†Xiaoyu Wang 1†Shuqi Ma 1†Xingda Song 2[ ... ]Limin Tong 1
Author Affiliations
1 Research Center for Humanoid Sensing, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou 311121, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
3 Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology, Jinan 250100, China
4 Tencent Robotics X Lab, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd, Shenzhen 518054, China
5 e-mail:
6 e-mail:
The ability to sense heat and touch is essential for healthcare, robotics, and human–machine interfaces. By taking advantage of the engineerable waveguiding properties, we design and fabricate a flexible optical microfiber sensor for simultaneous temperature and pressure measurement based on theoretical calculation. The sensor exhibits a high temperature sensitivity of 1.2 nm/°C by measuring the shift of a high-order mode cutoff wavelength in the short-wavelength range. In the case of pressure sensing, the sensor shows a sensitivity of 4.5% per kilopascal with a fast temporal frequency response of 1000 Hz owing to the strong evanescent wave guided outside the microfiber. The cross talk is negligible because the temperature and pressure signals are measured at different wavelengths based on different mechanisms. The properties of fast temporal response, high temperature, and pressure sensitivity enable the sensor for real-time skin temperature and wrist pulse measurements, which is critical to the accurate analysis of pulse waveforms. We believe the sensor will have great potential in wearable optical devices ranging from healthcare to humanoid robots.
Photonics Research
2022, 10(9): 2040
北方信息控制研究院集团有限公司,江苏 南京 211153
为使观瞄系统以简单、紧凑结构实现探测、识别目标功能,选用光学补偿法设计紧凑型双视场可见光镜头。首先,根据视场、作用距离指标完成相机选型和焦距计算,依据已选相机像元尺寸和最低照度计算F数,并分析双视场光学系统的特点;其次,对比常规的光阑位置固定方案与光阑位置切换方案,得出后者在实现光学总长、最大通光孔径、变焦行程有效压缩的同时,可以实现更大的相对孔径和更好的像质;最终,选用光阑位置切换方案设计了由11片透镜构成,光学总长为150 mm,最大通光孔径为Φ42 mm,变焦行程为35.97 mm的紧凑型双视场可见光镜头。该镜头短焦焦距为32 mm,F数为2.3,满足水平视场角不小于12°、探测距离不小于5 km的要求;长焦焦距为126 mm,F数为3,满足水平视场角不小于3°、畸变小于0.5%、识别距离不小于5 km的要求。设计结果表明,对于焦距32 mm和焦距126 mm,全视场调制传递函数(MTF )均大于0.45,全视场点列图的均方根 (RMS)直径小于或接近4 μm,整体像质良好。公差分析结果表明,在135 cycles/mm处,全视场MTF大于0.3的概率达到90%以上。
光学设计 双视场 光学变焦 紧凑 optical design dual-field optical zoom compact 
2021, 50(8): 20210042
1 中国北方车辆研究所 信息与控制技术部,北京 100072
2 国营528厂 光电制造部,江苏 南京 211153
现代战争要求战场目标搜索设备能够在机动条件下实现快速自动搜索、发现、识别远距离目标,并对敌方目标进行威胁排序,将目标的坐标进行精确定位后把目标信息传递给后方。提出了一种新型综合的特种车辆观瞄系统,对其5个组成部分−全景组件、可见光连续变焦组件、高性能红外热像仪组件、智能控制组件、云台光机组件进行研究与设计,并对系统的组成、原理以及关键技术作了论述。样机研制后的功能试验和精度测试结果表明,综合观瞄系统原理正确,可靠性高,稳定精度可达0.06 mil(1σ),快速反应能力强,为特种车辆实现城市反恐提供了一种性价比高的观瞄系统。
观瞄系统 智能控制 连续变焦 目标识别 平台稳定 sighting system intelligent control continuous zoom target recognition platform stabilization 
2021, 42(3): 383
中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所, 上海 201800
以Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3(PMN-PT或PMNT)为代表的弛豫铁电单晶具有远高于常用锆钛酸铅Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3(PZT)陶瓷的压电性能, 引起了基于新一代压电单晶的功能器件研究热潮。本研究团队在国际上率先利用Bridgman方法生长出了大尺寸、高质量PMN-PT等弛豫铁电单晶(d33~2 000 pC/N, k33~92%), 并对PMN-PT等弛豫铁电单晶的生长、多层次微观结构和性能调控进行了多方面的研究, 发现弛豫铁电单晶不仅具有超高压电性能, 还具有突出的热释电性能、电光性能以及与磁致伸缩材料复合形成磁电复合材料的超高磁电耦合性能。本研究团队多年来一直在努力推动弛豫铁电单晶在医用超声换能器、热释电红外探测器、电光器件、磁电型弱磁传感器等各种器件的应用研究。本文主要总结了弛豫铁电单晶的多功能特性, 并介绍了本研究团队在弛豫铁电单晶器件应用上的研究结果。
弛豫铁电单晶 器件应用 超声换能器 热释电红外探测器 电光器件 弱磁传感器 relaxor ferroelectric single crystal PMN-PT PMN-PT device application ultrasonic transducer pyroelectric infrared detector electro-optic device weak magnetic sensor 
2021, 50(5): 783
Jie Li 1†Chenglong Zheng 1†Guocui Wang 2,3Jitao Li 1[ ... ]Jianquan Yao 1,6,*
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information Technology (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, School of Precision Instruments and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
2 Beijing Key Laboratory for Metamaterials and Devices, Key Laboratory of Terahertz Optoelectronics, Ministry of Education, and Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Imaging Technology, Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
3 Beijing Engineering Research Center for Mixed Reality and Advanced Display, School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
4 School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 225009, China
5 e-mail:
6 e-mail:
Chiral metasurfaces based on asymmetric meta-atoms have achieved artificial circular dichroism (CD), spin-dependent wavefront control, near-field imaging, and other spin-related electromagnetic control. In this paper, we propose and experimentally verify a scheme for achieving high-efficiency chiral response similar to CD of terahertz (THz) wave via phase manipulation. By introducing the geometric phase and dynamic phase in an all-silicon metasurface, the spin-decoupled terahertz transmission is obtained. The giant circular dichroism-like effect in the transmission spectrum is observed by using a random phase distribution for one of the circular polarization components. More importantly, the effect can be adjusted when we change the area of the metasurface illuminated by an incident terahertz beam. In addition, we also demonstrate the spin-dependent arbitrary wavefront control of the transmitted terahertz wave, in which one of the circularly polarized components is scattered, while the other forms a focused vortex beam. Simulated and experimental results show that this method provides a new idea for spin selective control of THz waves.
Photonics Research
2021, 9(4): 04000567
Author Affiliations
School of Electronics Science and Applied Physics, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Traditional magnetically coupled resonant wireless power transfer technology uses fixed distances between coils for research, to prevent fluctuations in the receiving voltage, and lead to reduce transmission efficiency. This paper proposes a closed-loop control wireless communication wireless power transfer system with a wearable four-coil structure to stabilize the receiving voltage fluctuation caused by changes in the displacement between the coils. Test results show that the system can provide stable receiving voltage, no matter how the distance between the transmitting coil and the receiving coil is changed. When the transmission distance is 20 mm, the power transfer efficiency of the system can reach 18.5% under the open-loop state, and the stimulus parameters such as the stimulation period and pulse width can be adjusted in real time through the personal computer terminal.
Journal of Semiconductors
2020, 41(10): 102403
刘靖雷 1,2,*冯昊 1曹旭 1江长虹 1[ ... ]张章 1
1 北京空间机电研究所, 北京 100191
2 中国空间技术研究院航天器无损着陆技术核心专业实验室, 北京 100191
遥感卫星分辨率日趋精细, 相机口径不断增大, 受限于运载器直径对刚性遮光罩系统尺寸约束, 柔性展开遮光系统在遥感器上逐渐应用, 空间柔性展开结构在轨工作状态对于主任务判定有重要作用。 报道了一种展开状态红外感知系统, 应用于我国高分七号相机遮光罩系统在轨展开状态监测。 首先介绍了高分七号双线阵相机及其遮光罩系统设计, 分析了展开状态红外感知功能的特殊要求和约束。 提出了一种利用“豆荚杆”作为传输通道的基于红外光线传输阻隔特性的新型展开状态感知方法, 系统包含了红外光线产生系统与接收系统, 采用红外光线产生系统发射的890 nm波段光线作为信息载体, 经空间柔性展开结构“豆荚杆”通道后由红外光线接收系统转换为电信号, 通过对电信号处理得到柔性结构展开状态信息。 系统具有无动作机构部件、 无较大能量消耗及数据带宽要求小等优点, 对原有展开过程基本不产生影响。 通过理论分析证明了该方法的可行性, 试验验证了该方法中红外光线产生系统光功率、 红外光线接收系统光电晶体管阵列上拉电阻以及工作温度等参数对展开判定准确性的影响。 通过试验得到, 现有展开状态红外感知系统的红外光线产生系统光功率参数大于25 mA、 红外光线接收系统上拉电阻特征参数大于15 kΩ是系统工作的理想包络。 在温度交变环境下, 当红外光线接收系统上拉电阻特征参数不大于50 kΩ时, 展开状态红外感知系统在125 ℃以下温度环境中能够有效的判定遮光罩系统的状态参数。 为同类型柔性遮光罩系统监测方案设计及在轨温度交变环境下应用策略提供了试验数据基础, 具有广泛前景。
遮光罩 展开状态红外感知 近红外 光线阻隔 Camera baffle Infrared unfolding state sensing Near-infrared Light barrier 
2020, 40(9): 2676

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